"Committed to delivering continuous improvements in referral pathways"

Founded in 2007 by Dr Matthew Orr to provide specialist health assessment services to adoption and fostering organisations across the country, Orr Medical has now expanded its range of services in order to work with NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and other health partners to deliver real improvements in the efficiency and effectiveness of GP referrals to secondary care. 

With many years experience as a GP and with a passion for quality improvement, Dr Orr has also held roles with a number of regulatory bodies, including The Care Quality Commission and The Health Care Commission, as well as direct commissioning experience as a CCG Governing Body Member and GP Director. 

Following extensive involvement in the design, implementation, operation and on-going development of a referral management pilot beginning in 2016, Orr Medical was successful in being awarded full contracts to provide our referral management services to both Greater Preston and Chorley & South Ribble CCGs. Alongside the clinical triage of referrals between primary and secondary care, we also conduct extensive data gathering and analysis which is used to inform decisions made around the referral-to-treatment cycle.

Our team of triaging clinicians have considerable experience working in the local community as senior GPs and also supplement their existing knowledge with regular skills development in those specialities identified as a local priority either by the CCG or our extensive audit data.

Whilst our service delivery is structured to meet the specific needs of individual CCGs, our overall management approach is underpinned by:

  • An extensive working knowledge of the local health economy with relevant and up-to-date experience of commissioning policies and practices
  • An in depth understanding of referral management platforms and systems
  • Highly focused relationship building and best practice delivery across local GP communities and NHS providers
  • Detailed analysis, reporting and direct action focused on continuous improvement against agreed KPIs and NHS QIPP delivery

Already delivering real time, tangible improvements in GP referral-to-treatment cycles, we are fully committed to sharing our experience with other CCGs who are looking to implement referral management services. 

Orr Medical's Referral Management Service delivers real advantages:

​For Commissioners

Reducing the cost burden of poor or unneccessary referrals while identifying and implementing more efficient and effective primary and Tier 2 care pathways thus directly impacting QIPP delivery.

Reducing the cost burden of
poor or unneccessary referrals
while identifying and
implementing more efficient and
effective primary and Tier 2 care
pathway thus directly impacting
QIPP delivery.

​For ​NHS Providers

​​Directly reducing unneccessary demand on secondary care resources where alternative pathways and primary support options can be identified for ongoing patient care regimes.

Directly reducing unneccessary
demand on secondary care
resources where alternative
pathways and primary support
options can be identified for
ongoing patient care regimes.

Reducing the cost burden of
poor or unneccessary referrals
while identifying and
implementing more efficient and
effective primary and Tier 2 care
pathway thus directly impacting
QIPP delivery.

​For ​​GPs

​​​Improving the quality of referrals through advice and shared learning with the attendant reduction in lost surgery hours due to unneccessary follow up and repeat appointments.

Improving the quality of referrals
through advice and shared
learning with the attendant
reduction in lost surgery hours
due to unneccessary follow up
and repeat appointments.

Directly reducing unneccessary
demand on secondary care
resources where alternative
pathways and primary support
options can be identified for
ongoing patient care regimes.

Reducing the cost burden of
poor or unneccessary referrals
while identifying and
implementing more efficient and
effective primary and Tier 2 care
pathway thus directly impacting
QIPP delivery.

​For ​​​Patients

​A more streamlined experience with the potential to improve waiting times for diagnosis and treatment through local primary care and Tier 2 services rather than through elective secondary care.

A more streamlined experience
with the potential to improve
waiting times for diagnosis and
treatment through local primary
care and Tier 2 services rather
than through elective secondary
Improving the quality of referrals
through advice and shared
learning with the attendant
reduction in lost surgery hours
due to unneccessary follow up
and repeat appointments.

Directly reducing unneccessary
demand on secondary care
resources where alternative
pathways and primary support
options can be identified for
ongoing patient care regimes.

Reducing the cost burden of
poor or unneccessary referrals
while identifying and
implementing more efficient and
effective primary and Tier 2 care
pathway thus directly impacting
QIPP delivery.

“Start your conversation with Orr Medical today to explore how we can work with you to drive the efficiency and effectiveness of your primary care referral pathways”

Click here to send an email

​Or ​call 0701 239 9097

0701 239 9097

Orr Medical - Delivering real improvements to CCGs and health partners

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ORR Medical
PO Box 470, Whittle-le-Woods, Chorley Lancashire PR6 6BF