"Delivering measurable and sustainable results for commissioners and health providers"

Delivered by our dedicated team of GPs, each with extensive knowledge and experience of clinical pathways and healthcare provision, Orr Medical’s referral management service delivers so much more than just a clinical review of GP-to-secondary care referrals with corrective action and advice at point of presentation. With a rich data gathering and analysis component and a firm commitment to continuous improvement, we also identify and develop real opportunities for step change in the quality and efficiency of patient care whilst reducing both unnecessary CCG costs and inappropriate resource demands on our NHS secondary care services.

Clinical Triage

Fully integrated into the NHS e-Referral Service (ERS), our clinical triage service delivers real consistency in referral quality, supporting the development of best practice in GP surgeries and reducing unnecessary demand on secondary care resources whilst ensuring that patients are seen in the right place, at the right time, by the most appropriate clinician.

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Data Analysis & Reporting

Our ability to collect detailed information in real time provides us with a powerful tool for immediate action and also allows us to identify specific areas for CCGs to focus on where improvements can be made or where alternative approaches can deliver measurable benefits both in terms of patient care as well as cost and resource efficiency.

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GP Advice & Education

Extensive and in-depth data collection and analysis coupled with the expertise and insight of our team allows us to focus on continuous improvement in the quality of GP referrals and to spotlight areas that would be suitable for management within primary or community care but would require a program of additional education.

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Information Governance & Business Continuity

Orr Medical is fully committed to maintaining the consistent and secure delivery of all of our services to the NHS whilst constantly ensuring that we always provide the highest levels of information governance and comprehensive, accountable incident reporting and management.

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By supporting improvements in primary care, reducing the number of inappropriate referrals and enhancing the quality of appropriate patient referrals, our referral management service contributes directly to the NHS financial balance sheet, whilst reducing unnecessary demand on our already stretched secondary care NHS providers. It also directly improves patient experience and outcome by ensuring that more and more of our patients are seen in the right place, at the right time and by the most appropriate clinician.

Orr Medical's Referral Management Service delivers real advantages:

​For Commissioners

Reducing the cost burden of poor or unneccessary referrals while identifying and implementing more efficient and effective primary and Tier 2 care pathways thus directly impacting QIPP delivery.

Reducing the cost burden of
poor or unneccessary referrals
while identifying and
implementing more efficient and
effective primary and Tier 2 care
pathway thus directly impacting
QIPP delivery.

​For ​NHS Providers

​​Directly reducing unneccessary demand on secondary care resources where alternative pathways and primary support options can be identified for ongoing patient care regimes.

Directly reducing unneccessary
demand on secondary care
resources where alternative
pathways and primary support
options can be identified for
ongoing patient care regimes.

Reducing the cost burden of
poor or unneccessary referrals
while identifying and
implementing more efficient and
effective primary and Tier 2 care
pathway thus directly impacting
QIPP delivery.

​For ​​GPs

​​​Improving the quality of referrals through advice and shared learning with the attendant reduction in lost surgery hours due to unneccessary follow up and repeat appointments.

Improving the quality of referrals
through advice and shared
learning with the attendant
reduction in lost surgery hours
due to unneccessary follow up
and repeat appointments.

Directly reducing unneccessary
demand on secondary care
resources where alternative
pathways and primary support
options can be identified for
ongoing patient care regimes.

Reducing the cost burden of
poor or unneccessary referrals
while identifying and
implementing more efficient and
effective primary and Tier 2 care
pathway thus directly impacting
QIPP delivery.

​For ​​​Patients

​A more streamlined experience with the potential to improve waiting times for diagnosis and treatment through local primary care and Tier 2 services rather than through elective secondary care.

A more streamlined experience
with the potential to improve
waiting times for diagnosis and
treatment through local primary
care and Tier 2 services rather
than through elective secondary
Improving the quality of referrals
through advice and shared
learning with the attendant
reduction in lost surgery hours
due to unneccessary follow up
and repeat appointments.

Directly reducing unneccessary
demand on secondary care
resources where alternative
pathways and primary support
options can be identified for
ongoing patient care regimes.

Reducing the cost burden of
poor or unneccessary referrals
while identifying and
implementing more efficient and
effective primary and Tier 2 care
pathway thus directly impacting
QIPP delivery.

“Start your conversation with Orr Medical today to explore how we can work with you to drive the efficiency and effectiveness of your primary care referral pathways”

​Or ​call 0701 239 9097

0701 239 9097

Orr Medical - Delivering real improvements to CCGs and health partners

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ORR Medical
PO Box 470, Whittle-le-Woods, Chorley Lancashire PR6 6BF